Gush Etzion Junction, between Jerusalem and Hevron: Ali Abu Awwad dedicates his family’s field as a Palestinian Center for Non-violence. Despite his life experience, four years in an Israeli prison, his mother’s five year sentence, a brother killed by an Israeli soldier- Ali creates “Roots” with local Israeli settlers, advancing responsibility and grassroots work to enable political reconciliation. The director, a resident of Gush Etzion, accompanies the initiative for 2.5 years and documents the changes transpiring on both sides. In 2015, Etzion Junction suffers a wave of violence and the activists face a reality where their own relatives are being attacked.



Producer: Mordechai Vardi | Production Company: Veradim Productions Ltd | Script: Mordechai Vardi | Camera: Mordechai Vardi, Raaya Vardi Teboulle | Editing: Yoni Tzruya | Music: Avi Belleli

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